1.What metrics do you use to evaluate employees?
There may be various acceptable answers but one sure-fire answer is to utilize the S.W.O.T method. S.W.O.T stands for strengths weaknesses opportunities and threats. An employee can be helpful or harmful to the organization’s end goal. Employees also can add value or disrupt the culture of a team. Employers almost always take these types of important things into consideration.
2. What is the difference between leadership and management?
Management can be seen as black and white or A series of specific things that are done and carefully monitored. Leadership is broader it’s like the gray area. It’s casting a vision and moving towards that vision with others with you.
3.How do you lead through change?
Press into it, change is a vital part of the forward movement. There are times for order and structure but, there is also a time that presents the opportunity to be a chaos coordinator with changes comes innovation and improvement.
4.How do you handle conflicts among team members?
I think it’s important to have people talk about personal issues rater they are relational or professional. Ideally, I would have one on one meetings with each party. I would lay out my expectations and then I would bring them together to develop a resolve with the expectation of them following up with me concerning their commitments to move forward. At that point, I would ensure each party knew they would be held accountable for what they have committed to do to resolve the challenge.
5.What do you do to get a disagreeing team to buy into your idea?
Always speak last. I would ask questions to each team member to gauge where they each may be in terms of thought. I would really listen and try to understand their perspectives. Then I would present sometime after I’ve listened to and thought about all that they had to say. I would come up with a plan to move forward with and lay it out in detail and explain the important why’s. I would ask for there 100 percent commitment rather they agreed with the solution or not and I would promise that if I ultimately decided to move on to one of their ideas I would give the same sort of commitment.
6.How do you ensure maximum productivity?
The first way is by properly equipping the team, by being absolutely clear about what I expect and what their responsibilities are and giving them a vision they want to buy into. Next by learning everyone’s motivations then praise effort and reward performance. Finally by creating a healthy and happy environment
7.What style of leadership would your peers say you have?
Transformational leadership is the type of leadership that not only leads people but it brings out a positive change in people. Inwardly most people want to be better when I lead myself I show others they can lead themselves to be better also.
8. If I am your supervisor. How would you have a difficult conversation with me and coach me upward?
Start off by appreciating some specific attribute strength or thing about the leader. Tactfully address a problem and end with a close that highlights another positive.
9.How do you compensate for the weaknesses that you bring to the position?
Any strength overused becomes a weakness. My weakness is my problem-solving ability, one way I prevent this from becoming a weakness is by looking to provide solutions to problems but not looking for problems to solve the perspective makes all the difference.
10. As a leader how do you ensure structure and efficiency.
I encourage all members to keep score no matter what they may be doing. I regularly ask specific questions about tasks to be sure all are in tune. Secondly, I keep an open line of communication with daily meetings.