Power Posing is an art to master for confidence. Science backs this practice in recent studies several people were tested for shifts in confidence levels after power posing and it was noted that many did, in fact, experience positive shifts due to conditioning.
Nonverbal communication or body language has been a study of interest for many years. It’s interesting to understand the impact it has from the perspective of self. I think we all at some point or another look for nonverbal communication cues from others, but do we stop and ask what message might we be sending with our own body language?
Well, the results are in and it’s been determined that our body positioning can change how we feel about ourselves. Amy Cuddy a social psychologist says our thoughts, feelings, and physiology are influenced by our nonverbals. A case study with 4 participants was done, two men and two women. One alpha male and female and one timid male and female. It was noted that the alpha male and female demonstrated a lot of positive and powerful body positions. upon asking them to hold themselves in a more low-power/contractive pose condition and it was found that they actually felt less confident and perform a task in an inferior way. While on the other hand the two timid people were asked to hold themselves in a high-power/expansive pose condition and then perform task. Both of the parties said they felt more confident and capable to get the job done.
Like anything, I think this is just a puzzle piece to a broader area of development, but it’s a great start at mastering self-care and self-value. Passion is something you work yourself into. Most of us are not naturally passionate about anything in particular. However, as we begin to do a thing we develop care and love for it. So go for it start power posing especially when circumstances are causing you to feel blue.